Press Release: 2018 Cape Verde DNA and Genealogy Conference


The 2018 Cape Verde DNA and Genealogy Conference, August 4 -5, 2018.


The 2018 Cape Verde DNA and Genealogy Conference is a two-day event where we will explore the world of Cape Verdean Genealogy and expand our understanding of Caboverdeanidade.

Caboverdeanidade is a word that came into use in the 1930’s to give credence to the existence of a culture and its people. But for much of our existence we have been told by others “who” and “what” we are. Now, we can definitively tell the world, through incontrovertible proof, who and what we are through DNA testing in combination with genealogical research. To better understand our history and in many cases, discover previously unknown histories, knowledge of the peoples involved in the establishment of our Cape Verdean family is vital. Their stories can be told by the evidence found in the chromosomes of the people of Cabo Verde and the Diaspora.

As historians and genealogists, we are armed with the knowledge and proof within our family histories and, now, DNA to answer this question. Cape Verde DNA, Inc endeavors to share what we have learned through researching our own family backgrounds and DNA testing.

With genealogy and DNA testing being as popular as it has become, we propose that this is the time to expand our understanding  of Caboverdeanidade, to share our story with the world and to reaffirm and strengthen the Cape Verdean family in the United States and around the world. We have the opportunity now to share our knowledge and experiences to future generations.

Come join us!